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Career Counseling

Why is Career Counselling Important?

Career counselling is a great way to help students define a proper path to walk on .
The most common misconception about career counselling for students is that it only helps them decide on what career or academic degree to pursue. Career counselling does much more than that. It provides a stepwise plan that helps students break their long-term goals into small tangible tasks.
Career counselling helps students connect with the right mentors.This helps them clear their doubts and feel more confident in their choices.

Benefits of Career counselling

For students benefits of career counselling are:

Goes Beyond a Degree

Picking the right academic degree is just the beginning of a professional career. There are several different career paths and thousands of occupations to choose from.

Provides Confidence

It s common for students to feel underconfident or have doubts about unconventional career choices. Many students also feel the lack of guidance if they do not have the real-life role models they can look up to.

Managing Expectations!

students are under a lot of pressure when picking the right field because of unrealistically high parental or peer pressure. This sets them up for dejection and takes a toll on their confidence and mental health.

Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses

Just recalling a statement “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”– Albert Einstein

Reduced Confusion

With so many choices available at our fingertips, choosing the right career path can often be overwhelming. By seeking proper career counselling services, you can streamline this whole decision-making process and reduce confusion and anxiety.

Rehberlik career counselling services for students are led by experts at assessing student’s attitude, personality, motivation and other important aspects.
Our onsite career counselling for students helps you pick the right career options after matriculation and the best career option after intermediate.

Fill the registration form and contact us.

Career Counseling

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